We are actively seeking original works by the artists listed below. If you have a work that may be of interest or could otherwise assist with sourcing such works, we would love to hear from you.
Mary Abbott
Benny Andrews
Richard Anuszkiewicz
François Aubrun
Karl Benjamin
Luigi Boille
Frank Bowling
Stanley Boxer
Ernest Briggs
James Brooks
Paul Burlin
Nicolas Carone
Olivier Debré
Lynn Mapp Drexler
Edward Dugmore
Friedel Dzubas
Samuel Feinstein
Perle Fine
Dorothy Fratt
Gabriel Godard
Judith Godwin
Shirley Goldfarb
Cleve Gray
José Guerrero
Carl Holty
John Hoyland
Ralph Humphrey
Rolf Iseli
Shirley Jaffe
Albert Kotin
Alfred Leslie
John Levee
John Little
Verena Loewensberg
Conrad Marca-Relli
Emily Mason
Jean Miotte
Kyle Morris
Lee Mullican
Roger Mühl
Kenzo Okada
Stephen Pace
Charlotte Park
Ray Parker
Pat Passlof
Georg Karl Pfahler
Ann Purcell
John Saccaro
Kikuo Saito
Ludwig Sander
Fritz Scholder
Hassel Smith
Kimber Smith
Vivian Springford
Theodoros Stamos
Yvonne Thomas
Walasse Ting
Esteban Vicente
Corinne (Michael) West
follow along.
We won't email often, but when we do, it'll be the good stuff.
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